Sunday, December 04, 2011

Pics from Art Walk- my 1st art show!

Last night was my art show at Alley Kat Art in Kapaa.  I have never shown before- not even craft fairs - only on my blog or Etsy store, and mostly i just give what I make away.   SCARY......
but what a delightful evening it turned out to be!

 The art community  sponsors an Art Walk once a month.  We had wine and beer and food and a terrific band and fire dancers.  Kathy, the store owner, did an amazing job displaying my art.
She displayed my art on her own art - she is a fabulous glass artist - and I love how she enhanced my work.
Kathy and I at the Gallery....


I have always had an irrational fear  of showing my art and actually selling it. Sales on Etsy have always been wishy washy and sporadic......but last night was fabulously validating.  Being introduced as the "featured artist" sounded so foreign to me, but i had no choice and was forced to converse with the crowd.  Yes, I said CROWD.
...and the words they spoke humbled me and VALIDATED me.
Sales were excellent and i learned a lot.  i have a better sense now of what sizes to make and new ideas inspired by customer comments.  i made valuable connections and met terrific new friends that share a kindred spirit.
i'm also glad that i had an array of art that appealed to all age groups and any pocketbook.   The form folded copper cuffs flew off the shelves, so i will be busy this week making more...and i'm going to add some of my pewter bird necklaces and angels, too.
whew.  i'm really glad it's over.