Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well I am way behind on my projects and chores - as usual!  I'm still finishing up 2 Christmas projects...I have a winter banner swap due in a week, OWOH starts up soon (yay!...see the link on the right), i signed up for a bead party swap...and then i volunteered to make another POE tarot card...that of course was due immediately.
So I got the card done....I really love making tarot cards.  I have done about 15 now - all in different styles!

The Temperance Tarot Card, ala Poe's the Pit and the Pendulum...choices...using time, patience, research and moderation to achieve one's goals...and having faith because sometimes, just sometimes a hand DOES reach down from  from heaven and saves you.....
I started out the new year with a promise to take a picture a day...i did ok for about 5 days...and then I forgot.  I just totally forgot.  sheesh.  so here are a few I took:
Jan 1, 2010....putting the ornaments away.....

chalupa and sookie playing on the front side yard...

baby coconut trees (banana on the left)

pineapple tops I haven't planted yet that are growing anyway - on a chair...

bitter berries

my outdoor altar area - very neglected.  behind it you can see the open area we call "the back 2 acres"

a garden spider..he's big about 2 to 3 inches

a crab spider...this is "spider season"...when you mow you have to go through the plants first with a palm frond and knock all of the spiders down - otherwise they get entangled in your hair...

another crab spider, actually only about 1/2 inch size...they come in all colors

...this shot shows the legs, etc..
we have cane spiders too...that's the big old spider they used in the movie "arachnaphobia"...they are pretty funny spiders...the run really fast and are terrified of you....but they ARE scary looking - and HUGE!
I'm gonna try and remember to take pictures every day...I love the idea of keeping a "picture diary" of the year.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Lucky me!

Remember the giveaway on Alpha Stamps I posted?
Well I won the very last giveaway! ...and Jood was the runner up! Yay for me! Yay for Jood! ...Really cool stuff, too!
Look at all the goodies they are sending me!
Thank you, Alpha Stamps!

There are 2 collage sheets, a rubber stamp, a set of 20 beautiful (new) bird tags, 3 different metal charms, a sheet of die-cut wings, and some fun little wooden birdhouses.

Victoria (Bird) Tags
New & on Sale! Set of 20 tags (2 each of 10 designs, printed on one side).
3 Raw Brass Filigree Love Birds
New & on Sale! Available in 4 finishes: Raw brass (the version in the Giveaway), antique silver-plated brass, antique gold-plated brass or vintage-patina brass (shown in the photo).
5 Wooden Bird House Buttons
New & on Sale! They needn’t be used as buttons. And I think the combo with the hummingbirds (laying on the buttons in the top photo) should inspire a project or 2.
3 Large Brass Feathers
New & on Sale! Raw brass. No loop.
Hummingbird Charms
New & on Sale! Antique gold-plated cast pewter (lead free). 3D. Pretty small (12mm wide).
Wings Die-Cut Chipboard Sheet
New & on Sale! Thin chipboard sheets with die cut shapes that easily punch out from the surrounding area, background can be used as a template. Sheets measure 6″ x 12″.
M for Magpie Collage Sheet
On Sale! Many beautiful images of birds from children’s story books.
Cinderella & Birds Collage Sheet
On Sale! The German versus French versions of Cinderella vary in certain details (like the clothes for the Ball in the French version being provided by the fairy-godmother, instead of by the birds that Cinderella had befriended in the German version).


Saturday, January 02, 2010

"NEW on Etsy...Captured Muse" cards and carnelian Eye necklace

Just listed on my Etsy Shop
2 card set with envelopes.
Carnelian Bronze talisman necklace.

Thanks for looking!