I just wanted to thank all of my friends and family who put up with the pitiful letter everyone was sent when my facebook and email accounts were hacked. I appreciate and am very grateful for your concern and caring!
I still don't have access to facebook yet (tomorrow I hope), but i do have my email accounts back.
How did this happen? perhaps i clicked on an infected website or maybe it was the unknown person i emailed to ask if I knew them on facebook before I accepted them as a friend? Who knows.
I did delete all of my contacts in my address lists - so i will have to go searching for your addresses or else look them up in a book i keep. A bit of an inconvenience, but far better than the embarrassment and hassle of being hacked and phished! Had I answered my sons phone call at 3:30 am (my time) i could have gone online and frozen the accounts before so much damage was done - I won't do that again! the hacker started their conversations and requests on facebook.....my son got his on his phone......
Be sure sure sure SURE! that you have entered tough SECURITY QUESTIONS for all of your accounts so that no one can change your passwords or info unless they can answer the security questions first. I learned the hard way.