Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I blew it miserably......

This is a photo of the Kauai community recycling center. They used to be publicly funded, but the city no longer sponsors them, so the island no longer has real recycling. Volunteers staff the center, and people drop off glass that the center melts and makes into art and sells to continue operating the center. They do a lot of community service work, teaching kids, etc.
Anyway, today I took a class in glassblowing. It was HOT! (pun, intended LOL)

It was an all day class - only 7 students with a master teacher and his assistant. The teacher's name was Chuck Vannatta and he has a glass studio in Oakland, Ca. He is visiting Kauai until March 18, and was a guest instructor. He taught us to gather glass, marver it, blow it, mold it, block it, pull it, cut it, open it and put a handle on it! We all made a marble, a small glass and another cup with a handle. And we practiced a lot. I don't have my objects to show you because they have to be slow annealed and will not be ready until tomorrow.

I, yes I alone, was the ONLY student who could NOT blow the glass. Oh eventually I made some small dents...but for the most part, my "objects" ended up very thick and stunted. (...and distorted..hahha..a reflection of me) The poor teacher kept giving me tips and helping me - but I was awful at it....and I took up loads of class time....and I burnt my finger..... splattered glass...Sort of reminded me of when I took a welding class - hah! The other students cheered when I blew a tiny bubble of air in center of my blob. It was very embarrassing - ah, well. Here are some pics of me and my futile attempts:
Me and Chuck. This was the only piece I blew decently, and because i was practicing and other students were using the glory hole and the "bench" I had to scrap it.
...and she huffed, and she puffed and she huffed and she puffed.......


Anonymous said...

Connie, it is so cool that you took this class. I guess you just aren't full of hot air like the other students were.

Aileen said...

Connie very cool class!! I have always wanted to take a glass blowing class but you have confirmed what I suspected its a lot harder then it looks! I am sure had we taken the class together I would have made you look very adapt at glass blowing! :-)

Aileen said...

Hey Connie hope your feeling better and didn't get this crud that's going around.

Anonymous said...

I love your little glass pieces Connie. You should be very proud.
kathy mc