Friday, October 23, 2009


I recently sent away (because no one had it on this island!) for a product called "Glove in a Bottle"
Glove in a Bottle is a heavy hand lotion that coats your hands so that they repel chemicals and daily grunge. I learned about it from my metals group ...
I get a type of chemical eczema on my fingers that is from certain chemical exposures...I'm not sure which ones... my doctor said it could be from dish washing detergent or even from my paints. I am VERY MESSY with my art supplies. When I remember, I put gloves on, but using gloves with some projects is just a pain. Antway, I get hard itchy sore bumps on the sides of my finger joints that look like blisters but are hard and eventually peel. Gross!
OK. So I have been experimenting (whenever I remember....usually i am halfway thru a project and then I get all messy and realize I have forgotten to put the lotion on!) ....but here are my results.
First off, you have to put a thick coat on. Fortunately it absorbs quickly and your hands feel soft but dry. The instructions say it doesn't wash off but rather it is removed when you shed the skin cells that absorbed it (well that's how I interpreted it!)

1. resin - AMAZING! I put a thick coat on and poured together a batch of resin. I accidentally over mixed it and it spilled ALL OVER MY HAND! at first I was panicked - this stuff is tough to remove, sticky, and I usually need half a bottle of alcohol to get it off. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped my hand. That's it. No sticky, gooey residue - it all came right off! WOW! I should note here that the Glove in a Bottle was FRESH on my hands.
2. acrylics - once dried on my hands, they rubbed off pretty easy. But then, even without Glove in a Bottle, acrylics always rub off easy.
3. ink- last time i painted with inks I got it on my was still there a week later! This time it washed off with soap and water and what was left came off in the shower....
4. black polymer clay - yay! came off easy with a paper towel and soap and water.
5. gel coat - once it had dried on my hands, i washed them with soap and water but i still needed a green scrubber to get it all off.
6. dirt - i work a lot in the garden and we have a thick red clay soil that leaches all of the moisture out of my hands. the dirt is impossible to get out of your fingers - it stains everything red. Ultimately it makes my skin dry and crack. With Glove in a Bottle on, the dirt washed off easy and hands stayed moist! i do wear gloves when i garden - but some of the finger tips have holes so i still get dirty. Next i want to try it on my feet....wearing flip flops all the time makes for grungy feet.

So, I have to tell you, I really like this stuff. It left my hands soft and it really did seem to repel all the gunk I put my hands into. My only problem with it is I HAVE TO REMEMBER TO PUT IT ON!

...I got mine from found a $10 off coupon, plus they had free i got other stuff too - but most mainland drug stores carry it.

PLEASE leave me your EMAIL ADDRESS ...otherwise I can't thank you for visiting my blog!


Karen Owen said...

Hey, Connie, I use a similar product called Invisible Glove. I agree with you - the hardest part is remembering to put it on!

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