Monday, January 19, 2009


Woohoo - the day has come! One World, One Heart is a yearly Blog Giveaway with HUNDREDS of artists participating! ...and you don't have to give something away to play! The purpose is to check out blogsites you've never seen, meet new friends and say hello to those you already know. It is als o a great way to see new ideas and be inspired and awed by what is happening in the art world.
All that is usually requested is that you leave a comment on the specified post.
So there you have it! Click on the "One World, One Heart" Earth above and you will instantly be sent to a list of all the other participating artists. You can enter as many Blog Give-Aways as you like! Our host, Lisa, has a numbered list so you can keep track of who you have already visited.
O.K. For my BLOG GIVEAWAY I will be using the random number generator to pick one winner for...
......a vintage german bisque doll necklace. ...and she's finished - SEE BELOW!

yep. there she is! I have reassembled a full body. This necklace isn't finished yet - but she will have wings and lots of surprises - so check back tomorrow if you want to to see the finished necklace. The doll is 2 to 3 inches tall.......i may or may nor dress her, I definitely want to make some Goth babies, but maybe I'll keep her pretty plain for the Give Away??!
Just leave a comment below to enter my give away. BE SURE to leave a way for me to reach you if you win. DO NOT enter anonymously, unless you also leave your name and an email address in your comment. YOU DO NOT need a blog to enter my contest.

UPDATE!I decided to keep her normal and simple....which was way hard! I really wanted to do my usual weird thin.....but here is the finished necklace.....

Brass frame wings with vintage lace and tiny beading all around, hanging from a necklace of brass, foiled glass hearts and real vintage pearls.

Her arms and legs still move!

Good Luck!


1 – 200 of 310   Newer›   Newest»
Mahala said...

Oh my, I want to win your giveaway! Please enter my name!

Zan Asha said...

Wow! Yep, I don't think I've ever seen a whole doll as a necklace! Then again, I've lived a sheltered life!

Please count me in!

Thank you!

Bella Modiste said...

come sign up for mine!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, it will clearly be delicious!! I would love a chance to win! Thanks!

jackie said...

I would love to toss my name into the hat! I know your final creation will be super awesome!

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

You are offering something so cool!
I am HAPPY to join you!
Join mine too!
BTW, you are listed as Cetta Cheese CUTTER *lol* on the OWOH blog list!
I thought you were giving away a cheese cutter!

"237. Connie Williams-Cetta Cheese Cutter(US)"

Amber Dawn said...

yes please! Nice to meet you! If you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway ~ Rachael ~

Tina Leavy said...

oh how very neat!oh how pretty. would love to be entered in the drawing thanks for the opportunity. stop by and visit me as well when you get a chance.

Joanne Huffman said...

Yay, Connie! I want to win this. Please enter me in the drawing.



how creative- please include me

Anonymous said...

Sounds great!!!, please count me in

Viola said...

What a great giveaway! Please enter me! :o)

Lori said...

OHMYGOSH!!! i would SO love to win this wonderful prize...she sounds amazing...and i do love me a bisque doll:)

Linda said...

Can't wait to see how the necklace turns out, please enter me in your giveaway.
Cheers Linda

Sue Krekorian said...

I'd love to be chose for this intriguing piece: fingers crossed!

nancye williams said...

I would love this dollie. dollies are my thing. Enter me please and stop and see what I offer as well.

Anonymous said...

I love this vintage dolly!

Geri said...

Great Giveaway! Great Blog!!

sandee said...

You know...I got spoiled by the Hanukkah necklace, so of course, now I'm going to be a Connie necklace hog and want them all. This, I'm SURE, is going to be GORGEOUS!!!! What an AwEsOmE giveaway! Count me in, PLEASE!!!

And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:


Latharia said...

I can see so many possibilities in her future! What a great giveaway! Thank you so much for your generosity! If I am so lucky to win, please email me at latharia(at)comcast(dot)net! :D Do visit my blog, too!

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

Yes, please sign me up for your great and awesome giveaway. Stop by mine and sign up too!
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

She is a lovely little doll...the description of your necklace is intriguing...perfect for a doll artist like me ;?
Thank you for your visit.

HeARTworks said...

What great fun! Love your giveaway and love this idea!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be a part of your drawing.

Please contact me by email.


Ellen Lyn said...

Scrumptious! Please count me in!!
hammgood at yahoo dot com

Sherry Goodloe said...

Oh my, I wonder if I could be so lucky?!

Hi Connie - Please enter me in your OWOH giveaway. And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway as well. I'm #73 on the list GOT ART?

Have an art-filled day today!

jenzai studio said...

oh how fun! What a great idea! I've been inspired to actually come out and play this year, so come check out my blog in the next week or so and leave a comment for me, too! Blessings to you...

marcy said...

Oooh, I like your necklace. Please pick me!
I hope you'll check out my OWOH giveaway, a cute little handmade glass puppy.


Ruth Rae said...

oh she is special!
I would love to make a dress for her... she really wants to come and live with me :)

Anonymous said...

Well, who wouldn't want to be in on this one?! It will be adorable, Connie!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Very sweet...and I definitely like her plain! Please enter me! And visit me to enter...

Puddles of Grace said...

Oooohhh! Having lived in Germany and loving all things old... this is definately something I would love to have! Please toss my name into the hat! Thanks!

Anja said...

Amazing. She is special.

Anonymous said...

Please include me in your drawing and drop by to enter mine, too!

barb cabot said...

Lovely idea. Please include me in your drawing. Peace and love,
Barb Cabot

Janet said...

Beautiful giveaway! Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, stop by and enter my giveaway, too.

The Odd Bird said...

This necklace sounds amazing... Put me on the list... PLEASE.....

The Whimsical Goblin said...

a Goth Doll necklace would be AWESOME! Count me in!

Robin said...

what a wonderful idea . i cant wait to see her
robin krieger

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway, please enter me and thanks!
I also have a giveaway please pop over.

Gretchen M said...

Very cool. put my name in the hat please & be sure to visit me as well @

Betty said...

She is definitely calling my name:

Grandma Betty!

Great giveaway! I am #283 on the OWOH list.

Linda Sue said...

Oh this is fun1 Lovely little girl! please enter

jojoebi-designs said...

can't wait to see her finished!
Please put my name in the hat and then come and sign up for my give-away

Unknown said...

Your giveaway is awesome! Please count me in!

Peggy Parker said...

Great idea - can't wait to see her!

Glassgrrl Studios said...

Oh how I looove these battered, timeworn, mute little characters of the past. What an honor it would be to win your creation, but if I don't, I hope to at least get a look at the finished product.

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

These pieces are such treasures-I would love to enter your drawing! Awesome contest!!
chris p

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping by. look at her she want´s back to germany;)) so please enter my name in your drawing

Marilyn said...

Oh, Connie, I just know this is going to be beautiful!
Please add my name for a chance in your drawing...thank you!

Thanks, too, for your visit to my blog:)

Terri said...

If I don't win can you tell me where i might be able to get some of these. I hope I win...

Alexandra said...

Wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name. Alexandra

Stiggy said...

Hi Connie, just popped in to say Hi and have a read.

Hope everything is good with you - any more work lined up?


Carol said...

What a unique idea. Thanks so much for sharing with us.


Carol Casey

carylsrealm said...

Oh wow! Fabulous giveaway, I'd love to be entered! And please stop by my giveaway if you get a chance!

Ottilias Veranda said...

This sounds interesting! I´m in a doll phase right now!Sign me in please

Liisa from snowy Sweden

Altered Route said...

I Just LOVE your blog! Please toss my name into the hat.

Also, please stop in over at my place to check out my own giveaway...


Anonymous said...

I love her!


Anonymous said...

Oh please enter me in this giveaway! You make awesome stuff, I know this will be fantastic.

Deirdra Doan said...

Thank you for the nice visit to my blog. I really like your jewelry. I imagine your little necklace with be so wonderful!! Looking forward to seeing it and wearing it!!

~*~Patty S said...

Oh be still my heart, what a fantastic giveaway! I would Love to be the lucky winner, thank you for the chance!

You can find me at OWOH#122

Sue said...

Ah...this will be so cool when finished! Please include me in your OWOH
giveaway draw!



Sprite said...

Oh! Please enter me too! I wanna win :D Love your stuff, this is going to be awesome!


Rosa said...

Oooh, count me in!

Digital Misfit said...

I am sure she will make a STUNNING necklace! I adore wearable art, but this one is going to be something beyond awesome!
Please PLEASE enter me in this fab giveaway!

burntofferings said...

hi, how very wonderful!!! and come on over to enter ours.

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Connie, I love your blog and art jewelry. Enter me in your drawing. I hope I win.

Becky Bunn said...

OH this sounds wonderful. Please pick me

Dschrader said...

What a lovely little doll! Love your site! Please enter me in the drawing!
Thanks, Donna K. Schrader

The Giveaway Diva said...

amazing!! I would love to be entered!!! thanks so much!

jjwiskus said...

I love her I want her!!! please enter my name
check me out at light my torch

Anonymous said...

I love her already; can't wait to see her all done up! Please count me in, and if you haven't already, do come to my blog and enter my giveaway.
I am #21 on the Gypsy Caravan, and I am giving away a necklace.

Joanie Hoffman said...

I am thinking I would love to win this giveaway.
Thanks for the chance!
Happy days,

Jana Nielson said...

That is a cool piece already. I'm excited to see what it evolves into!
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see how she turns out!

Paola Zakimi said...

please enter me to your drawing!

Cheryl said...

I bet she is just wonderful when finished. I do want to be entered in your drawing. I see you live in Kauai - we were there about 4 years ago and loved it. I'm ready to go back.
Thank you for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by! Do enter me in for your necklace.

Pilar said...

Thank you for visiting my blog through OWOH. Please toss my name into the hat. : D

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

I can't wait to see how this turns out! :) Thanks for entering my contest and the lovely compliment about my shop!

Distressing Delilah a.k.a. jenn said...

I very strongly WANT that..! Pleases count me in!

Pamela said...

so wonderful! stop by my place to enter my drawing for some home-canned pickle goodness.

Smokeylady60 said...

Cute necklace
Pleae add me to your list and if you would like please
join mine I am number 303

Anonymous said...

cool.... put me in the draw

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Please enter my name..... I can't wait to check back to see what you create with her.... Please stop by & enter mine #11

Angie in AZ said...

Hey girlfriend! Throw my name in there. I know your necklace will be spectacular!

Twisted Hare said...

Thank you for stopping by Twisted Hare. Please add my name to your list as well, neat doll, i'm looking forward to seeing the finished work, i'm sure it will be great.

3rdEyeMuse said...

I can't wait to see what you end up deciding to do with this! exciting - I would defintely like to be included in your drawing.

thank you & happy OWOH-ing!

Lisa Gatz said...

very cool! I would love to be entered for your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful necklace this will be! Please count me in. :)

Please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway!

PattiV said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing and stop by and enter mine.

Unknown said...

She's perfect! I would be thrilled to win this!

Keron Lee said...

I have just discovered your blog because of OWOH – it’s Great! Thanks for your kindness & generosity, sharing your lovely art with the rest of the world. Please enter me in your draw.

Please come and visit my blog to enter my give away

warm regards
Keron Lee, Melbourne, Australia

Marie Patterson Studio said...

Thanks for entering my OWOH! PLEASE enter me in yours too.....I WANT that necklace....just so adorable!

Your pictures of Kauai are just stunning!

trisha too said...

what a neat thing--something from you, but whoever gets it can also make it truly theirs.

Very neat!

thank you for the chance!
please come see my OWOH offerings, too!

Andrea Hatfield said...

She is adorable! Thanks for the chance =)

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for entering mine!

AlwaysInspired said...

It is wonderful! I love it! Please enter my name too!

B.B. Bellezza said...

Amazing is the only word to describe it. Please enter me, as I must have it!

It's very nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog

B. B. Bellezza

Andrea Nicole Plotts said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I would love to enter in your giveaway. Your blog is fantastic!

take care,

Janine Davies said...

What a delight! I am participating too

Kaerie Faerie said...

OMG that is the most wonderful art I have seen, Please enter my name in your give-away, and check out my faeries #117
Kaerie Faerie

Anonymous said...

Oh too neat, that is so cool. Love it...Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Oh my how I want this! I adore her. Please count me in. Do you sell these?

SpiritMama said...

Wow, she is so cool, and unique!
Thanks for including me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

donna joy said...

very unique!

count me in!

Kit said...

OMGosh, she is amazing. Love the necklace! Please enter my name in your drawing and come by my blog to enter my giveaway. Thanks! Kathy

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan said...

Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you from the chilly Midwest!
Visit my blog too, Karen

valerie2350 said...

fabulous giveaway - please enter me :)

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

What an adorable angel baby! Please add my name to your drawing. And stop by #272 for my giveaway.


Lynn Stevens said...

Thjis is Way Cool.
Drop my name in the hat please!!

Unknown said...

What a PRECIOUS lil' angel! I love her! She's beautiful! I would surely give her a good home is she flew over to my neck of the blogger-woods! :)
Thank you for entering my tatting giveaway for OWOH. Good luck to you. :)

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

She gave me chills! I adore her and what a wonderful idea! So unique and just cha cha cha! Please include me and stop by for a visit if you get a chance!


D Q said...

Awesome idea for a giveaway! Please enter me.

Connie Carpenter Macko said...

she's lovely! please enter me for a chance to win. enjoy your visits around OWOH!

Dragonlady said...

SO lovely, enter me please and hpe over to enter mine too..

Unknown said...

Angelic... so lovely. Some lucky person will have their very own guardian angel with them when they wear this...who knows it may be me... time will tell!

Thank you for visiting my blog and making me feel better with your comment...
all the best xxx

Moniqui said...

Awesome doll necklace!Please enter me in the draw.
And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:)

Linda said...

Wow what a great prize. I would love to be entered in your drawing. I promise to give her a good home. :)

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Franny said...

An Angel! Love the wings so much!

This is surely a treasure. Thank you so much for offering her and your hard work. So beautiful!

I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many wonders, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans!

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am participating also and would love for you to stop by. #223 :-)

Susan Shaw said...

She is very sweet. Please add my name to your draw.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Thank you for participating in this years event. i hope you are enjoying meeting and mingling with new and old friends!
This german doll necklace is the cutest....I haven't seen one used that way so it's really wonderful.
Nice to meet you!
If you haven't already do stop by my giveaway as well.
Lisa Swifka
OWOH host/participant

miss_moneymaker said...

How adorable! I'd love to win this!

Please enter me.

Thanks for the chance.

sarahjd766 at

Retro Cafe' Art Gallery said...

Oh my! I'm OBSESSED with German dolls! See my blog and you'll believe me. I would treasure this necklace forever!!!!!
Please enter my name!

and if you get a chance, please enter my drawing!

Corrine said...

I'd love to win. She's beautiful, please put my name into the draw

Linda S. Socha said...

Wonderful. Love it. Please enter my name. Please stopy by for a visit at Psyche Connections. There is a small post an video on Creativity I think you may enjoy.
I enjoy sharing following blog links if you have an interest. Love your mom photo

Anonymous said...

And who wouldnt want to win this delightful little darling? Please, enter me.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Wow! What a beautiful piece! I would love to be the lucky winner! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too!

Heidi Jo said...

This is ADORABLE! Please count me in!

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Love her!! This is my first year in OWOH and am loving it! Nice to meet you! Please enter my name and stop by my blog too!

Renee said...

this is a fantastic giveaway. xoxo


Mistress Girly said...

This is too cool. please enter me. thanks.

Sophie said...

Oh wow! So beautiful! I love unique jewelry (I used to have a necklace with a small coffin hanging from it!)

Janice said...

What a lovely necklace. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Jax said...

She is beautiful! Please count me in and come stop my blog to check out my giveaway too!

Born in the year of the Dog said...

Your doll necklace is an awesome OWOH giveaway. Thanks for sharing your art. Colleen

Lelia said...

WOW! The whole doll embellished and made into a necklace! How creative and fabulously interesting : )

Mary said...

I know I'm not suppose to covet things, but I convet that necklace! WOW! I love it. Please enter me in your drawing.

Dale said...

This necklace is so beautiful! I just love the antique german dolls... i do so wish i had one of my own! Your blog is fabulous... i am adding it to my blogroll and will be back again :).

Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog.

artbeckons said...

she's beautiful! please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

Jocy said...

Thank you very much for your visit on my blog!
Oh my gosh, your necklace looks great, please count me in your drawing!

LiLi M. said...

Thanks for dropping by and entering my owoh give away. You have a gorgeous necklace here. I love these german dollies! Well done, I'm definitly keeping my fingers crossed for this one! Nice to meet you!

Beadyjan said...

Oh she looks so happy to have been reborn as wearable art!
I'm loving being part of OWOH. SO many generous and talented people.
Don't miss my necklace giveaway.

Glenda said...

wow I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this little dolly soooo much please pick me.thank you love Glenda

Anonymous said...

add me to your draw.

Fiona said...

Isn't she delightful - please enter my name and thank you for entering my draw - good luck x

stampgram said...

When I saw her naked I wanted her, then I saw her finished and I am dying for her....she is beautiful...and I would love to win this awesome giveaway.
Please enter me.

I love your "Connie live here" sign...I am a Connie too!

I am a OWOH participant too...#563. Please stop by and visit my blog at

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Your artwork is lovely. I'd love to be the winner of that gorgeous doll necklace! Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event!
Please stop by if you haven't already.

Greetings from Germany,

Sandi said...

What fun! Isn't this great, visiting blogs? I've been here before.

Tami said...

My gosh-this is the most adorable thing I've ever seen! Please count me in!

Laura said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Please count me in for your giveaway :)

ThisThisAndThat said...

Outstanding necklace....

I’d love to be entered into your “One World – One Heart” giveaway…

I’m also participating in OWOH, so feel free to stop by my blog and enter to win some goodies from me as well.


Mrs. Claus Looks At Books said...

Thanks for the kind offer. I am excited to enter your contest. The doll necklace is beautiful and your blog and photographs are wonderful!

Keeping my fingers crossed

Jennifer R.D. said...

Hi Connie,
This is just the coolest doll necklace! Please enter my name! Thanks for the stroke info as well!
jennifer R.D.

Letha Richardson said...

What a gorgeous little girl. She is the cutest ever. Please enter me to win.
I am also #553 on the OWOH project or you can check out my blog at

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. It is so nice to meet you and yours. Though I am quite taken with all of your paintings and jewelry (which are lovely), I have to say I am drooling over the sea glass! I used to live a half hour closer to the beach than I do now and up until a few months ago, when I moved, I regularly enjoyed hours of searching for it here. I've never seen anything like what I see in your pix - you glass beach looks like heaven! I'll be back when I can stay longer!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a gorgeous doll and a beautiful necklace. I loved the build up photos, too.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Kim Mailhot said...

What a generous giveaway ! This doll is beautiful. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Enjoy the OWOH love fest !

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I think shes just adorable. Please enter my name. Thanks for stopping by!!

Angel Tousignant said...

Je voudrais mettre mon nom pour ce tirage, c'est absolument magnifique. Félicitation pour votre travail.

Pink Elephant Soapery said...

Beautiful!! Count me in! Stop by mine if you haven't I am #554 on the list! Oh how I would love to win this!!!!!!

Kate Robertson said...

Your give waway is awesome. Please enter me. Thanks for stopping by at my blog. Its nice to meet you and see your wonderful work.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I love this! Thank you so much for the chance!

Anonymous said...

What a great doll and what a lovely necklace you have made.


Ragamuffin Gal said...

I would LoVe to be included for a chance to win your fabulous doll! I could have some serious ArT FuN with your necklace. Thanks for visiting me so that i could find you and your blog ~ Many Blessings, Katie

Geekery said...

Please enter me into the draw and don't forget to head on over to my OWOH giveaway to enter mine!

Anonymous said...

She's lovely. Please enter me in the draw.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing and be sure to enter mine. I'm #434 on the caravan.

Diane said...

Absolutely exquisite! Please count me in. What a beautiful blog you have. Thanks for dropping by my blog also.

Unknown said...

I love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Leslie said...

Such a beautiful necklace! I would love to be included in your drawing, Leslie

Rusted Wings said...

What a lovely little angelic piece this is!!
Please count me in and come visit my new blog #479, Rusted Wings.

KKJD1 said...

Pick me! Pick me! Well I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks Karen

martha brown said...

I love this doll with her pretty little wings --- I think that she'd love to fly up and sit around my neck..... Please enter me in your draw -- thank you so much!!!! I'm off now to look at your blog some more!

Lisa Cook said...

What a sweet dolly with wings. I think she is a little fairy who will wing her way to someone's heart. Maybe mine! : ) Stop by and see my vintage giveaway!

Anonymous said...

So wonderfully unique! I would love to wear her and share her with those that I meet! What a story to tell them. Please count me in. I will be wishing on a star to win her*.
Carol :)

Anonymous said...

What a charming necklace. Enter me, please!

And thank you for stopping by Mayberry Magpie to enter my drawing. It's been fun meeting so many new bloggers.

Pam said...

Oh I love your bisque fairies!! The one in the giveaway is pretty, but I really like the first one with the leather wings, too
thanks for visiting my blogg

katie said...

such a sweet little necklace - i would treasure it, please throw my name in the hat and thanks for stopping by my blog!


Renee G said...

I think this is very cute.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm so glad you entered my giveaway and pointed me at yours. I just LOVE your work, the necklace is such a great idea. Can't wait to see the goth version you're working on. I've been overwhelmed with responses to the OWOH giveaway looks like you have too, I'll be back to check out more of your blog, looks great!

polinka said...

AWESOME!! Stop by my blog to join my giveaway too ;)

Sarah said...

I love this necklace! Your other work is great too. So glad to have found you!
Sarah :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank You
shabby harbor at yahoo dot come love the pics.invite me!

Linda East said...

1st I want to thank you for visiting my blog...and 2nd I would like to tell you how awesome I think you "tusan birds"are and how much I love your blog and all of the wonderful art and pics. Please enter my name in your drawing...

Create & Share

Linda (Okla)

Mimi Head said...

Hi Connie, and thanks for visiting my blog. Your jewelry is so unique; I love it! Please add me to your list! Yours, Emily

Unknown said...

I LOVE HER!!! This past fall I bought 113 of the pillar type German Bisque dolls and I love them... so far they are in shrines, reliquaries and vintage clock crystal shrines. I've been toying with how I'll make them into a necklace... I love what you've done!!!


julee at heartcollective dot com

Viki Banaszak said...

What a sweet doll! Please sign me up for your drawing :)

Dave Huddleston said...

I enjoyed following your walking journey to the new beach...wishing I had a beach close by to walk to!
please enter me in your wife would love the necklace. u r entered in mine as well...good luck!

Karen said...

How beautiful! Please enter me in your giveaway drawing. Thanks!

Rice said...

Very cute, please include me. Thanks for visiting my blog and entering mine.

Pat Haight said...

The necklace is adorable, please enter my name. I am very jealous of where you live, the photos are gorgeous and it looks so warm there. My home here in Alaska is beautiful but leaves alot to be desired in the "warmth" department. Nice to meet you and thanks for visiting Wigglebutt.

Karen Owen said...

Oh yes, Connie, please count me in!

Judy Streger said...

Hi Connie,
As the proud owner of one of your fantastic necklaces, I'd love to add this one to my collection. She is divine.

Veronica said...

Hi there, I would love to have you count me in on this great giveaway. I am giving away a free stamp set so stop on over and see me if you have time. I am number 499
take care veronica

Mimi said...


Please enter me in your drawing. Don't forget to stop by & enter mine!

OWOH #640

~Melissa Merrill~ said...

This is such a cute necklace. What a great way to use the german doll.

Anonymous said...

Wow - she's adorable! Please enter my name, I will give her a good home. Come on by and enter my giveaway!

cowgirltazz said...

Your work is amazing. Thank you for a chance to win one of your creations. Please enter me in the drawing.

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