yeah yeah yeah. never visits me!
so today, while on my morning bike ride, i started thinking about how i would like to do a painting , with a dragonfly in it, sort of a memorial to my mom. But the only picture I have of a dragonfly is one that a friend took, and it is orange and my mom hated orange. She liked purple.
i swear to God in heaven - this is true!
On my way home my eye sees something on the road ahead of me - i pass it- turn around - and there on the side of the highway is ......a DRAGONFLY - a PURPLE one!
Weird, huh?
I whip out my camera that i always carry - but for the life of me it won't work. I change batteries, etc, Nope! it won't work.
I thought the dragonfly was dead, but i guess it was just in the process of dying.
So I gently picked it up and put it in a plastic walmart bag i had in my knapsack (to bring home local fruit and avocados I find in my travels). When I get home I get out my really good camera and take a bunch of pictures.
I left him on the lichen on the avocado tree, to die. In peace.
Then I get an idea - that after he has died, i should preserve him in silver, just like i did the gecko!
So I go back out to the tree, and i notice the wind has blown him to the ground.....and as I go to pick him up - a big rooster runs up and .......EATS HIM! End of that great idea.....
I have a tendency to read into things much more than what they really are.., but it got me thinkin. If it makes me feel better and more complete and a bit more joyful - why not believe?
there are a lot worse ways to manifest grief than yelling out loud to a dying dragonfly about how angry you are that they have up and abandoned you....and who knows? maybe one day they WILL answer back. maybe in my dreams?

Look at those great wing veins!
Connie thank you for sharing your story! I always see hummingbirds when I'm thinking or missing my mother she loved hummers. Your pictures are awesome!!
Bob King's work is amazing. I can understand why you sat there for 4 hours.
I love your dragonfly pictures. I don't think I've ever seen a purple one. I love your story. I am believer! Thanks for sharing.
I finally watched the episode your cute son was on. He did great. You must be very proud.
another messenger! This was a lovely story about your mom.
nice to meet you Connie, thanks for your comment.
this is a lovely story (and wonderful pics). it sounds like a great way to manifest grief.
i've been crying into my frog pool lately - & hoping for dragonflies!
Hi Connie,
This is an amazing story about the dragonfly. I've never seen a purple dragonfly. I guess here in NJ they are covered with soot and air pollution so they look dark green/black. Your Tree Doll and Journal are awesome. What a beautiful collaborative effort.
What a beautiful and sad story, Connie ... I wished and hoped for some kind of a visit from my Mom for 6 and a half years after she passed away. I had a bad dream about missing her last November and did a journal page on it ...
The night I posted that journal page on my blog she finally visited me ... and I did this journal page about it ...
So hang in there, Connie ... you'll get your visit :)
Connie, My uncle passed a few years ago and we swear that whenever the bald eagle that is near his home comes near my aunt, he's visiting. it's always when shes at her lowest and eeds him.
You definitely had a lovely visit with that purple dragonfly. So sad that you caught him at the end of his life's journey, but at least you caught him! :)
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